Dear Colleagues, Friends and Students
A very warm welcome to all of you after the summer holidays. The first day of school reopening after holidays is associated with hustle-bustle due to exams, new students trying to locate classrooms and teachers trying to take down their new time tables.
But for me this time is like the blooming of a fresh flower, ready radiate its glory. I look at it as positive action time. A time when new policies are put into action, new thoughts and ideas are put into practice.
This time in the staff meeting the idea I wanted to spread was an awareness of the self. Thus took shape my presentation on the Science of Self Management. The core idea that I wanted to instill in all members of this organization from the beginning has been the inculcation of a happy work culture.
Apart from working towards professional and personal goals are we happy people? Do we allow little things upset us or do we look at them as opportunities of improvement?
Is my answer to a stimulus a response or a reaction? Will I let my mind rule over my spirit?
What started as a small idea was spread as a movement of positive growth. I would like to urge all of you that as you get up in the morning after thanking the almighty for his blessing promise yourself that this is going to be the best day of my life as I'm going to make the most of it by being positive, spreading a smile and helping all in need and remaining calm .We can learn a lot by using simple techniques of meditation. Ask yourself whether I'm in harmony with my inner self or a chaotic nebulous. Only when the self is at peace can it radiate serenity. May the almighty guide you in all your endeavours.