From the desk of the Vice Principal
Greetings to all!
This is my maiden venture into the world of blogging. But I could not stop myself when I fathomed the expanse of the medium. Anyways my reason for this initiative was to first congratulate all students of class X and XII for an excellent CBSE Board result.
My advice to all my learners has always been that hard work is the shortest route to success. In fact our very mantra should be the three D's—DISCIPLINE, DEDICATION and DETERMINATION. If this three pronged strategy is followed- you will always be the winner!
Secondly, I would also like to extend my good wishes to parents who have supported their children through these testing times. My heartfelt wishes also go out to my teachers who have very sincerely worked and proved the authenticity of our motto -Service before Self.
I would also like to use this platform to thank our honourable Principal Shri Vinay Kumar for his guidance and direction. DPS Vasant Kunj is growing everyday, learning and enriching itself with every experience.
Under a mentor like Shri Vinay Kumar it has grown from a sapling into a young tree. Our learners along with academics have proved their mettle in all fields of activity.
A small reminder to all students—kindly check school website for the latest information and developments regarding exam schedule and mark sheets etc.
God bless and happy blogging!
Bindu Sehgal
Vice Principal