“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires…
…and I’m blessed to have great teachers in my school.”
It was in the month of May last yea r, when I entered the school for the first time as a neophyte of class 11th (Err… I’m a Biology student, so bear with me- it plainly means a ‘new comer’!). Brimming with hopes and aspirations to become something in life, we were all welcomed by the polite and humble and yet so inspiring words of our dear principal sir, Mr. Vinay Kumar, who on the very first day itself, instilled in us, the pious feeling that we are at the right place where we could chase our dreams and desires and would be assisted throughout our journey.
My very first familiarity with the school was with it’s gardens -lush n’ green with mesmerizing medley of colorful flora. (I, seriously, have never seen a school look so gorgeous with nature’s offerings. All the other schools I’ve been to, focus on the infrastructure and how towering the school building can be!) Soon, I got familiar with the fervent and enthusiastic faces of our teachers- Mr. S.K. Das and Mrs.Vandana (who’ve made biology completely enchanting for us), Mr. Manish and Mrs.Anshu(who present physics as a passion for us), Mrs. Kavita (who’s made chemistry a cool subject) , Mrs. Hemlata ( who teach us mathematics with élan) and of course our friend (yes, a friend), guide and mentor-our English teacher, Mrs. Meeta.
The finesse with which they taught us, the perseverance with which they clarified our obnoxious doubts and the spirit to work with intensity (which they ultimately have imparted into us) are all laudable. After all who doesn’t like a teacher who gives you something to take home besides homework!!
After spending about a year as a ‘Dipsite’, I certainly am feeling fortunate enough to be here.
No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks. I’ve just got this chance and…
Thanks a lot my teachers!!!
We love you a lot :)
Kamna Kakkar
12th E